Thursday, October 22, 2009

it only makes sense...

... to start this art blog with my own work... if I will post and comment on other people's work (and let others comment on it as well), it is just fair that I place my work under the same spotlight....

to the left is an image from my most recent exhibition, gold code, which was exhibited last month at the org.contemporary gallery in Detroit, Michigan....

the title of this piece is heart.jpg plus the letters b and r between brackets (which ironically I cannot type here because they are automatically hidden as code when this web page is processed, see work for actual tag), which I intend on being read/decoded as " heart break"...

my goal with this piece, and with similar pieces in the exhibition that combine HTML code references with the representation of myself and the gold ground, is to converge distinct but related spheres of knowledge: personal experiences and ephemeral/ubiquitous technology. both of these intersect with the body. both of these complicate our understandings of site as knowledge and the knowledge of site.

my interests also lie in extrapolating notions of what photography was, is, can be and may become as a social and cultural phenomenon, in this piece and in many of the pieces in the exhibition... this is true to most of my works that are actually not photo- and video-based (an overall arch of my work, so to speak)....

at its inception the photograph was both an iconic and indexical sign of the world it depicted. with the advent of digital technologies its indexical nature has lost some of its prominence... the word itself implies that writing or drawing (graph) that is done with light (photo).... by actualizing these original terms (by using projected light as the base for iconic images, and using techniques that emphasize the handmade process, such as drawing and painting) I hope to rescue some of photography's native potential, and in the process display encrypted personal experiences...

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